Alpha 1.3

It's been  a while! Not too long, though. A bit. A little bit. Whatever. It's a bit hard to define exactly what I've added in this update. It's a lot.


although not visible in the previous versions, they did contain a legacy form of linkObjects, linkCodes. They work in a fundamentally similar way, but linkObjects are infinitely more versatile. They allow for an infinite number of cross-level linkage. linkCodes however allowed for about 10 cross-level linkages. Actually, you might still not be able to see linkObjects in the current build, I don't know if the demo level is accessible, but it's there, somewhere!

Coins, Health, & UI:

I added a coins system, and a health system, and a UI to display those two values. That's pretty simple. The UI fades away after a few seconds of inactivity. So if your health stays the same for a while, it just hides.

NPCs & Dialogue:

I added NPCs and dialogue. It's probably one of the most complex features to date, but uh, it's pretty self explainitory so there's not much info needed here. There's a test NPC in the main menu, if you want to try it out.

What's next?


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Dec 15, 2019 14 MB
Dec 15, 2019

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